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Last updated on Tuesday, 21st July 2015.

Contact numbers: -

Matt Pickles +44-(0)1625-611711

Stephe Boddice +44-(0)1562-700225

e-mail: -

What we do:

Both directors are ‘hands-on’ owners of Rolls-Royce Phantom III cars built during the late 1930s.

The major project at present is to cast and machine new engine blocks for the Phantom III to help maintain these cars well into the future. The blocks have lasted over 75 years, substantially exceeding their anticipated life of 20, a testament to the quality of the original units.

Modern material technology and machining capabilities have now caught up with the amazing design of the Phantom III.

Many owners are wondering whether it would be better to invest in a new block rather than risk the expense of attempting to rescue an old and corroded unit. Our experience tells us that the answer is “Yes”.


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